Donut Chart


There are two ways of defining data for a Donut Chart. First is to use a CSV file that was formatted in the following way:

  • First Column is always Name of the data point.
  • Second Column is always the numerical Value for the data point.


Another possible way is to define the data in Dynamo directly and then use the node DonutChart.Data to define all of the desired data points. Here's a potential sample of defining data in Dynamo:


Donut Chart Style has a few things that can be set optionally to control the visual appearance of the chart. First two inputs are for controling a color. You can either use a Dynamo Color node or a little bit of DesignScript syntax and a Code Block to define that input. Example: DSCore.Color.ByARGB(1,220,180,20). Colors input accepts a list of colors if you wish to give each slice of the chart/data its own color. Width and Height are integer inputs that by default are set to 1000px x 500px. The actual size of the chart is always a little smaller because of margins required for handling label graphics etc. There is also a boolean inputs for Labels. If set to true, labels will appear around the chart in a sun-ray style. If you are using Labels, you might want to set the margins for a chart to create space around it. Please see this for more info on Margins. Please see this page for more info on Address.



Donut Chart no longer has a legend that can be toggled on and off. It was intead repleaced with a whole new component called legend. Please see the [legend]( page for more info.

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